You can choose between 3 versions:
The Heads Up Master HUD
The Heads Up Pro HUD
The Heads Up Enthusiast HUD
Let’s take a closer look at the +EV Heads Up HUD panels
The Small Blind Preflop panel
Let’s use the Master HUD as an example.
The SB panel shows the preflop actions the player has taken when they are on the small blind.
It is divided into 2 columns: Limp and RFI (raise first in). In the bottom you can also see the name of the player and how many hands you have on them.

The Big Blind Preflop panel
The BB panels shows the preflop actions the player has taken when they are on the big blind.
It is also divided into 2 columns: Vs Limp and Vs RFI. Vs Limp shows how often the player raises, when you open limp from the button. The Vs RFI shows how they react to your steals: how often they fold, call, or 3-bet.
The SRP IP panel
SRP IP shows the stats for single raised (2bet) pots, from the SB point of view.
On top you have the standard C-Bet stats for flop, turn and river. Then there’s the delayed C-Bet stats. Vs XR shows how they react vs check-raises. Vs Donk shows actions vs donk bets (leads into the previous streets aggressor). After X shows how the player continues, after they check back, instead of C-Bet – these are very important stats to keep in mind, especially vs weaker players, because some may have extremely exploitable tendencies in this situation.

The SRP OOP panel
SRP OOP is the opposite of SRP IP – it shows stats for how the BB plays after calling the preflop raise.
On top, there are the standard Fold vs C-Bet, Call vs C-Bet and Check-Raise stats. Vs Dld shows how they react to delayed C-Bets. Donk shows how often they lead into the preflop aggressor. VsMCB shows how often they bet after the preflop raiser had the opportunity to C-Bet, but has decided to check instead.
The 3-Bet Pot IP panel
The 3-Bet Pot IP is similar to SRP OOP in a way – it shows the stats for the SB, when they raise preflop, face a 3-Bet and decide to call – so they are the preflop caller.
The B-B-B, under the VsMCB means, how often they bet twice, or three times, after the 3-Bettor did not C-Bet.
The C-B-B shows how often they call the flop C-Bet and then bets the turn and river after the 3-Bettor checks the turn.

The 3-Bet Pot OOP panel
The 3-Bet Pot OOP shows the stats from the preflop 3-Bettors point of view, after the SB open raised.
The stats are the same like for the SRP IP, but just filtered for the 3-Bet pot situation.
In Heads Up, it is very important to differentiate between 3-Bet pots and single raised pots, because the positions (IP/OOP) are reversed and protecting your ranges OOP is a lot more important than IP, which means more chances to exploit your opponent, if they don’t pay attention to that.
The Misc panel
Misc panel shows the Aggression Factor and Aggression Percentage (%) for all 3 streets. Below those you can see the Won When Saw Flop, Went To ShowDown and Won at ShowDown stats.
The aggression stats are important, for example, determining if you should go for a check-raise (high), or bet yourself (low). WWSF is also more of an aggression statistic, which tells you how likely it is that they will take an aggressive action.

Below you can learn, which popups are attached to which panels.
The Small Blind Preflop panel
Master HUD
- Stack Depth Pre – shows the Raise First In, Raise vs Limp and 3-Bet stats for different stack depths.
- Shoving – shows the Open Shove and Shove vs Limp stats for different stack depths.
- Limped Pots HU SB – shows post-flop stats for pots that go: SB limps > BB checks and also for pots that go SB limps > BB raises > SB calls from the SB point of view.
- Stack Depth Pre
- Limped Pots HU SB
Enthusiast HUD
- No popups.
The Big Blind Preflop panel
Master HUD
- Stack Depth Pre – shows the Raise First In, Raise vs Limp and 3-Bet stats for different stack depths.
- Shoving – shows the Open Shove and Shove vs Limp stats for different stack depths.
- Limped Pots HU BB – shows post-flop stats for pots that go: SB limps > BB checks and also for pots that go SB limps > BB raises > BB calls from the BB point of view.
- Vs 4-Bet – this small popup shows how often the player Folds, Calls or 5-Bets, when facing a 4-Bet. You can access this popup by clicking on the 3-Bet or Fv4B stats or text.
- Stack Depth Pre
- Limped Pots HU BB
Enthusiast HUD
- No popups.
The SRP IP panel
Master HUD
- C-Bet popup – shows the C-Bet stats, Facing Raise stats, Delayed C-Bet stats for single raised pots and for 3-Bet pots. It also shows some additional lines taken stats.
- Missed C-Bet popup – shows stats about how the player continues after having the opportunity to C-Bet, but checking instead. These stats also cover both, the single raised pots and 3-Bet pots. This popup also includes some additional lines taken stats.
- Donk Bet – shows the donk bet stats for single raised and 3-Bet pots, how the player facing the donk bet continues and how the donk bettor continues, if they face a raise.
- C-Bet popup
- Missed C-Bet popup
Enthusiast HUD
- C-Bet popup
The SRP OOP panel
Master HUD
- Facing C-Bet popup – shows how the player reacts to continuation bets and delayed continuation bets in single raised and 3-Bet pots.
- Bet vs Missed c-Bet – shows how often the player bets after the preflop aggressor didn’t C-Bet in SRP and 3-Bet pots. It also includes some additional lines taken stats.
- Donk Bet – shows the donk bet stats for single raised and 3-Bet pots, how the player facing the donk bet continues and how the donk bettor continues, if they face a raise.
- Facing C-Bet popup
- Bet vs Missed c-Bet
- Donk Bet
Enthusiast HUD
- Facing C-Bet popup
The 3-Bet Pot IP panel
Master HUD
- Facing C-Bet popup – shows how the player reacts to continuation bets and delayed continuation bets in single raised and 3-Bet pots.
- Bet vs Missed c-Bet – shows how often the player bets after the preflop aggressor didn’t C-Bet in SRP and 3-Bet pots. It also includes some additional lines taken stats.
- Facing C-Bet popup
- Bet vs Missed c-Bet
Enthusiast HUD
- Facing C-Bet popup
The 3-Bet Pot OOP panel
Master HUD
- C-Bet popup – shows the C-Bet stats, Facing Raise stats, Delayed C-Bet stats for single raised pots and for 3-Bet pots. It also shows some additional lines taken stats.
- Missed C-Bet popup – Shows stats about how the player continues after having the opportunity to C-Bet, but checking instead. These stats also cover both, the single raised pots and 3-Bet pots. This popup also includes some additional lines taken stats.
- C-Bet popup
- Missed C-Bet popup
Enthusiast HUD
- C-Bet popup
The Misc panel
Master HUD
- Aggression popup – shows Aggression Factor and Aggression Percentage stats for Flop, Turn and River. It also shows AF and Agg% in SRP and 3-Bet pots as the aggressor and vs the aggressor, so you can see how aggressive they are in each situation.
- Overall Actions – shows the total Fold, Call, Bet and Raise stats for Flop , Turn and River. It also shows the total percentage of how often the player sees each post-flop street.
- Fold vs Bet – shows how much the player folds, if they are facing a bet. Besides the total fold vs bet stats, you can also see the stats for single raised and 3-Bet pots for in position and out of position. You can see all the folds together, so you can get a good idea of where your opponent folds more and where they fold less.
- Showdown – besides showing the usual WTSD, W$SD and the WWSF stats, it also shows them for single raised and 3-Bet pots and as the preflop aggressor, vs preflop aggressor. You can also see how often the player wins the hand being the preflop aggressor, or as the preflop caller. If that’s not enough, you can also see how often they go to showdown if they have seen the Flop, Turn or River. How often they win the showdown, if they raise or check-raise the Flop, Turn or River.
- Aggression popup
- Showdown
Enthusiast HUD
- No popups.
The BB panel
Master HUD
- Shoving – shows the Open Shove and Shove vs Limp stats for different stack depths.
- Stack Depth Pre – shows the Raise First In, Raise vs Limp and 3-Bet stats for different stack depths.
- Stack Depth Pre – shows the Raise First In, Raise vs Limp and 3-Bet stats for different stack depths.
Enthusiast HUD
- No popups.
And here you can see screenshots of all the popups.
Heads Up HUD Popups
Stack Depth Pre
Facing C-Bet
Donk Bet
Missed C-Bet
Bet vs Missed C-Bet
Limped Pots HU SB
Limped Pots HU BB
Fold vs Bet
Overall Actions
- HUD Panels
- SB Preflop (8 stats)
- BB Preflop (4)
- SRP IP (26)
- SRP OOP (21)
- 3BP IP (15)
- 3BP OOP (23)
- Misc (9)
- BB (1)
- Popups
- Stack Depth Pre
- Shoving
- 4-Bet+
- C-Bet
- Facing C-Bet
- Donk Bet
- Missed C-Bet
- Bet vs Missed CB
- Limped Pots HU SB
- Limped Pots HU BB
- Fold vs Bet
- Overall Actions
- Aggression
- Showdown
- HUD Panels
- SB Preflop (6 stats)
- BB Preflop (4)
- SRP IP (13)
- SRP OOP (13)
- 3BP IP (9)
- 3BP OOP (11)
- Misc (9)
- BB (1)
- Popups
- Stack Depth Pre
- Shoving
- 4-Bet+
- C-Bet
- Facing C-Bet
- Donk Bet
- Missed C-Bet
- Bet vs Missed CB
- Limped Pots HU SB
- Limped Pots HU BB
- Fold vs Bet
- Overall Actions
- Aggression
- Showdown
- HUD Panels
- SB Preflop (4 stats)
- BB Preflop (4)
- SRP IP (11)
- SRP OOP (11)
- 3BP IP (6)
- 3BP OOP (6)
- Misc (9)
- BB (1)
- Popups
- Stack Depth Pre
- Shoving
- 4-Bet+
- C-Bet
- Facing C-Bet
- Donk Bet
- Missed C-Bet
- Bet vs Missed CB
- Limped Pots HU SB
- Limped Pots HU BB
- Fold vs Bet
- Overall Actions
- Aggression
- Showdown
You will for sure find the one that is the most +EV specifically for you from the 3 HUD’s!
I will stop leaving money on the table with my default HUD right now!